2007年4月1日 星期日

Summary of None of her business

When Pat was taking the bus, she met a woman who is blind and old. The woman dropped her brown suit-case. Everyone could see it but only she couldn’t. Pat couldn’t remember her face, but the woman was traveling with her. When next station was arrived, Pat found that there was a man walking with the woman, but that man looked not good, he seen to cheat and hurt the woman. Pat’s next bus was come soon, and then she decided to help the woman, but she couldn’t, there is no police station nearby, that man is bigger than her. She might get harm. After the man said that this is a way to Phoenix. But it’s not. Pat talked to the man and said that you get the wrong way. The man was running out of the street. Then Pat takes the woman away.

My feeling of this article is although Pat meddled this thing, but she make a good decision. She never let the man hurt the woman. The entire thing is under the control. If I am Pat, I may not to do and leave the woman. This is a lesson to me. And I noticed that there is many people need another one’s help. We could be much ardency for it.

1 則留言:

MeingyengYu 提到...

Hello Dylan
It is a great story and teaches our lesson. But there are some errors in your second paragraph.
In line 1”she make” you should write”she makes”. In line 2 “The entire thing” it is better that you write “The whole thing”. “If I am Pat” this sentence should write”If I were Pat”. Finally “This is a lesson to me” I think it should write”This teach me a lesson.